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Capital of the world, city of the dreams, the big apple, New York City! I will be in New York for a week photographing wonders. I have been in NYC for couple of times in the past years. Knowing the geography, ...

Older wide angle zoom lenses are considerably poor in performance. Corners are often soft, suffers from chromatic aberration, and tends to have some strong vignetting. After using this lens for almost a year, I can easily say, this lens is ...

There are more people starting film photography than ever in the past recent years. My very first film camera was Yashica Electro 35 GSN. It was first released back in 1971, and is one of the most affordable film rangefinder. The ...

Digital cameras, smartphones, and more specifically, image sensor technologies have completely changed the way we photograph today. Unlike films, digital images can be viewed and edited on a go within seconds, without requiring any processing and scanning. However, after using films ...

I always wondered what is like to shoot film. Millennials, including me, learns film through school, books, articles, and Youtube videos. In fact, majority of us start digital, then learn how to load, shoot, and process the film. For the past ...

Many of you asked me where the hell is Zion blog, and here it is! Sorry for the late, and better late than never! I first visited Zion National Park with couple of my friends during the summer during my ...

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