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Fashion portraits require something more than stand portraits. It requires extra care in lighting to showcase the clothing and/or accessories while bringing out model’s best features. Here are some fashion portraits that I worked for the past couple of months. ...
I’m currently taking fashion portraits to master variety of different types of lighting methods. Last time, I used total of six lights: Two for the backdrop and four lights to replicate the strip light effect. Yesterday with Kazuki and today ...
Beauty, fashion, and glamour portraits are often tricky to do due to its difficult lighting. Every photographers have different ways and tricks to light their models. For me, I went full, maxed out light setup using total of 6 lights, ...
Henna bridal ceremony (aka. henna party or Mehndi party) is traditional pre wedding party. The ceremony is held before the wedding for blessings and good lucks for the couple. The ceremony was colorful, fun, and elegant. It was a joy ...
Yesterday night, I was at the 21st Nevada Broadcasters Association (NBA) Hall of Fame Gala. I was able to meet many government officials and dignitaries. There were few familiar faces and it was an amusing night to spend time with ...
As I explore and discover new editing methods, I can see myself producing far better images. Photography requires precise calculation. When taking a photo, exposure isn’t the only thing to consider. You must consider how, what, and where to edit. ...