Fashion Portrait with Heather

Shooting fashion portrait requires great amount of time in all pre-production, shooting, and post-production stage. My theme for this shoot, and for the next several shoot is to replicate Sue Bryce’s style. I’ll post another blog soon talking about find my own photography style. What do you think? I think I was pretty close getting her style with little touch of mine.

I also used two cameras for this shoot: Nikon D750 (35mm) and Mamiya 645 AFD with Laef aptus 65 digital back (Medium Format). Can you tell the difference? I’ve always wanted to try out the medium format to see how much of more detail I can get compared to typical 35mm full frame DSLR. Even with no AA filter on Mamiya, to be honest, the difference was very slim. Mamiya did show more details on the skin, but there were slight more noise than my Nikon D750 which already is super sharp and filled with detail. If you still couldn’t tell the difference, vertical shot was done with D750.

All in all, it was fun shoot, and all photoshoot should be. I wished I had darker background to completely replicate Sue’s style, but I think this backdrop worked well with her gold/black dress. Thank you for stopping by my blog, and like always, I will see you in the next post!

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